Mazda 626

1991-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Mazda 626

+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Exhaust system
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and semi-axes
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Running gear
+ 11. Body
- 12. Electric equipment
   12.1. Introduction
   12.2. Search of a source of malfunction in electric equipment system
   12.3. Safety locks
   12.4. Automatic switches
   12.5. Relay
   12.6. Breaker of indexes of turns / alarm system
   12.7. Switches on a steering column
   12.8. Switch of ignition and lock drum
   12.9. Switches on the dashboard
   12.10. Tools of an instrument guard
   12.11. Instrument guard
   12.12. Radio receiver and loudspeakers
   12.13. Aerial
   12.14. Bulbs of headlights of head light
   12.15. Headlights of head light
   12.16. Drive of headlights of head light
   12.17. Replacement of bulbs
   12.18. Engine of screen wipers
   12.19. Horn of a sound signal
   12.20. System of day inclusion of headlights
   12.21. Heater of back glass
   12.22. System cruise control
   12.23. Electric window regulators
   12.24. Central lock and remote control by the central lock
   12.25. A rear-view mirror with the electric drive
   12.26. Top hatch
   12.27. Safety airbag
+ 13. Electroschemes
+ 14. Good advice

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12.2. Search of a source of malfunction in electric equipment system


Search of a source of malfunction

Insert thin щуп from a reverse side of the socket of connection that it concerned the demanded plug – connect the voltmeter to щупу.

The usual electric chain consists of an electric element, switches, the relay, engines, the safety locks, burned-through crossing points or automatic switches of this element, wires and sockets which connect this element to the accumulator and a car body. For the help by search of sources of malfunction of system of electric equipment, at the end of this management schemes of electric equipment of the car are provided.

Before to try to define a malfunction source, in the beginning study the corresponding scheme of electric equipment for receiving idea of the elements established in this chain. The circle of possible sources of malfunction can be narrowed if to check functioning of other elements entering into this chain. If some elements or chains fail at the same time, the problem obviously consists in a safety lock, the general for these chains or elements, or contact to a car body.

Electric problems are usually caused by the simple reasons, such, as the weakened or rusted sockets, absence of contact to the car body, the fused safety lock, the melted burned-through crossing point or the faulty relay. Visually check a condition of all safety locks, wires and sockets in the failed chain before to start check of other elements.

If you are going to use instrumentations, use the electric equipment scheme for definition of what of trailer clips are necessary for checking for detection of a source of malfunction.

The main tools necessary for detection of a source of malfunction are the device for verification of schemes or the voltmeter (a bulb on 12 volts and pair of wires with щупами on the ends also can be used for carrying out some checks); an ohmmeter (for measurement of resistance and check of chains on integrity); the battery and a set of wires with щупами; a cap wire, it is desirable with the automatic switch or a safety lock which is used for round of checked wires or elements.

Tension check in a chain should is carried out, if the system does not function normally. Connect one щуп a tester for verification of schemes to the negative plug of the accumulator or reliably earthed element of the car. Connect the second щуп to the socket in a checked chain, it is desirable to what is closer to the accumulator or a safety lock. If the bulb on a tester lights up, on this socket there is a tension, and it means that a chain site between the accumulator and this socket as it should be. Continue check of all chain in the same way. When you will find a point where there is no tension, it means that malfunction is between this point and the last place where there was a tension. In most cases a cause of defect is bad connection of wires.


Do not forget that some chains receive tension only when a key in the lock of ignition will turn in situation is included or in the provision of start of the engine.

To find a place of short circuit in system, it is necessary to remove a safety lock and to connect a control bulb or the voltmeter to the place of a safety lock. In a chain there should not be a tension. Move wires here and there and watch a control bulb. If the bulb lights up, it means that somewhere in this area there is a short circuit on "mass" of the car, most likely in a place where isolation was erased from wires. The same test can be carried out on other elements of a chain, including the ignition lock.

Check of grounding should be carried out to check reliability of grounding of an element of electric equipment. Disconnect the accumulator and connect щуп a control bulb with own power supply, for example the device for check of integrity of chains, by one end of a chain and another щуп by the second end of a chain. If the bulb lights up, it means that grounding good. If the bulb does not light up, grounding bad.

Chain check on integrity is carried out to check, whether well chain, a site of a chain or an element of a chain carries out a current. Disconnect the accumulator and connect щуп a control bulb with own power supply, for example the device for check of integrity of chains, by one end of a chain and another щуп by the second end of a chain. If the bulb lights up, it means that the chain does not interrupt and installs electrical equipment. Switches can be checked in the same way.

Do not forget that in an electric chain of the car the current goes from the accumulator, passes through wires, switches, the relay etc. to electric equipment elements (bulbs, engines etc.). From them the current goes on a car body (weight) on which comes back to the accumulator. Any electric malfunction is caused by interruption of a current of a current from and to the accumulator.

Tension check

Lack of tension on an electric equipment element is caused by bad connection more often. Check a chain site between the accumulator and an electric equipment element on integrity by means of the voltmeter.

Search of short circuit

For stock-taking of short circuit remove a safety lock and connect a control bulb or the voltmeter to plugs of connection of a safety lock. Tension should not be. Move a checked wire here and there. If the bulb lights up, means, there is a short circuit. The same check can be carried out on any element of electric equipment, even the switch.

Check of reliability of grounding

Disconnect the accumulator and connect one wire of a control bulb with the power supply to "weight", and second "weight" to a wire of a checked element. If the bulb lights up, means, grounding as it should be.

Check of integrity of a chain

For check of integrity of a chain use a control bulb with the power supply. If the bulb lights up, means, a chain as it should be.

Gap search in a chain

If on a chain does not pass a current, more often it is caused by the unreliable or oxidized connection. Shake a suspicious wire or the socket of connection is can restore conductivity.