Before the beginning of work familiarize with the description of carried-out operations and prepare necessary tools and materials.
Regular carrying out all necessary operations of maintenance will provide long and reliable operation of the engine. If maintenance was carried out irregularly, and operation of the engine worsened, it is necessary to perform the following operations:
Primary checks
Check level of oil and cooling liquid.
Clear, examine and check the accumulator.
Check a condition and a tension of driving belts.
Check a condition of all hoses and examine them on leak existence.
Check cooling system.
Replace spark plugs.
Check the air filter and replace it if it is necessary.
Check wires of a high voltage, a cover of the distributor of ignition and a begunok.
If specified above operation appeared are not effective, execute the following checks:
Secondary checks
All operations listed above, plus:
Replace the air filter.
Replace spark plugs.
Check speed of idling.
Check a corner of an advancing of ignition.
Replace a cover of the distributor of ignition and a begunok.
Replace wires of a high voltage.
Check a power supply system.